Professional Teeth Whitening OKC

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There’s no reason you need to live with discolored teeth anymore. Technological advances have made teeth whitening easy, effective and affordable. Our dental office is proud to offer Phillips ZOOM in-office whitening in Oklahoma City to give you back an attractive, confident smile. Walk out of our office in less than an hour, shades whiter than before.

How Does the ZOOM Treatment Work?

If you’re a coffee drinker, soda drinker, or smoker, you’re probably experiencing some yellowing or discoloration of your teeth. Even the natural process of aging can change the color of our teeth over time. If that staining has you hesitating to smile wide, we have good news: The ZOOM treatment can fix that.

ZOOM can whiten teeth up to eight shades in a short amount of time, and can have you out of the office with minimal to no increase in sensitivity or discomfort.

Whiten your teeth with Zoom! Whitening

Professional In-Office Whitening

ZOOM WhiteSpeed

To receive dramatic results and whiten up to eight shades, the WhiteSpeed is right for you. To do this, a blue LED light is shined onto your teeth and adjusted for your comfort. We can do this up to three times during your visit, and when we get to the shade of white you want a gel will be applied to protect the newly whitened teeth.

You’ll walk out of the office with brighter teeth, plus we’ll send you home with an additional few whitening trays that you can use to give your smile a little extra boost if needed.

Will My Teeth Stay White?

After you’ve committed the time and money to whiten your teeth, we're sure you want them to stay that way! The best way to keep teeth shining is with regular care – including brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day – and staying on schedule with your dental cleanings and exams. Additionally, ask us about take-home whitening trays that can be used periodically to pro-long your whitening results. Avoiding things like coffee and tobacco, and drinking dark-colored beverages through a straw will help, too.


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Dr. Chris Saxon, DDS in a Sport Coat